Ideas for AI-Generated Lead Magnets

Ideas for AI-Generated Lead Magnets 

The process of list building requires several different elements to be successful – a high-converting landing page, targeted traffic, and a lead magnet that entices the visitor to hand over their contact information.

Not all prospective subscribers are drawn to the same things. Some like text, while others like video, audio, graphics, templates – or even pre-recorded live events. For each individual, there will be a different pain point they’re trying to manage or a goal they want to achieve.

If you only have a single lead magnet offer, you’re sabotaging your ability to build a massive, targeted list. But not everyone can come up with an endless supply of lead magnet ideas.

Luckily, artificial intelligence (AI) is amazing at providing you with information about what your audience will sign up for. It can also complete the work for you in many instances, freeing up your time to focus on traffic and sales instead.

Below, you’re going to find 21 different lead magnet ideas that AI can have a hand in to help you build your list faster and easier than ever before. It can assist you as much or as little as you need to create endless lead magnets that can also be used as bonuses for products you promote, as unexpected free gifts for existing subscribers, and more!

#1 – Tap Into AI’s Creativity for eBook and Reports You Can Use as Lead Magnets

Most niche marketers offer a report as their lead magnet of choice. Some go so far as to provide a complete course, such as an eBook. But many people hesitate to do that because if they go to the effort of creating an entire course, they want to get paid for it.

What they’re not realizing is that the list building process is going to pay off far more over time than if they had a one time sale for the price of an eBook. But what might set your mind at ease is that you can use artificial intelligence tools to help you with the creation of these types of lead magnets so that you aren’t spending weeks or months having to come up with ideas and create a lot of content for no immediate return.

This is also a lead magnet option that many subscribers find enough value in to convince them to provide you with their contact details. In order to publish multiple guides like this for your prospective subscribers, you can use AI to brainstorm the idea, conduct the research for you and outline your product, and then do the work for you if you want to hand over that much of the project to your new tool.

For the purposes of this report, we are going to assume that you are in the Internet marketing niche and that you have an audience of beginner followers or subscribers that you want to get on your list.

There are a variety of AI tools that you can use in the marketplace. Some are free, some are paid, and some are a hybrid that allow both a free and paid version. We are going to use ChatGPT 3.5 for most of the ideas and prompts in this report.

You can also use tools like Google’s Bard, which is capable of delivering recent, more relevant results. However, the results often aren’t as comprehensive or in depth as ChatGPT. So we might use a combination of the two – depending on when we need the most recent data.

For this particularly magnet idea, you want to first prompt your AI tool to give you a list of numerous ideas to choose from. We will prompt it like this: “I am in the Internet marketing niche where I teach newbies how to succeed. I want you to provide me with a list have 50 different topics they would be interested in enough to sign up to my list for.”

Right now, you only want to get the list of ideas initially, and then you will go back to AI to get more information and details. The results of this first prompt include both generic topics like Creating A Winning Online Business Strategy to more specific topics like Affiliate Marketing: Generating A Passive Income Through Partnerships.

If you have any type of demographics in mind, such as seniors or women or men, you can let AI know about that so it can factor that into the results for you. But for our purposes, our audience is generic enough or broad enough to encompass everyone who wants to learn Internet marketing.

You get a wide range of topics, from SEO to social media marketing, email marketing and content marketing, paper click advertising, blogging, podcasting, and many more. All you have to do is then go through your choices and pick out something to work with for your first lead magnet report or eBook.

The next thing we are going to do is prompt AI to outline our report for us based on the topic we chose. For the purpose of this example, we are going to go with: SEO Essentials: Boosting Website Visibility in Search Engines.

So we will then prompt AI like this: “I like the idea called SEO Essentials: Boosting Website Visibility in Search Engines. I want to turn this into a full eBook from a newbie perspective. Create a comprehensive outline for my eBook.”

It gives you a 10-part outlines with everything from the introduction to keywords, on-page optimization, creating quality content, technical SEO, off-page optimization and backlinks, local SEO, measuring success, SEO tools and resources, future trends and SEO updates, and the conclusion.

We don’t really need local SEO since that’s primarily for local, offline business entities. So we’re going to remove that from our outline. If there’s anything you feel is missing, you might replace it.

We’ll replace it like this: “Remove the Local SEO section and replace it with something about improving SEO by analyzing what competitors are doing.” It gives us an immediate replacement outline for that section.

If you aren’t sure what to put in that section, but you can also prompt AI like this: “I don’t like chapter 7. What ideas do you have for replacing it?” It will then give you options for what else could go in its place.

The next step is creating the lead magnet report or eBook. You have the option of doing it yourself. Or, you can have AI do it. You can prompt it one chapter or section at a time like this: “Write the introduction to SEO section called What Is SEO for me please.”

If you give it too big of a task at once, like “Write the eBook for me,” it is going to deliver paltry results. It’s better to allow the AI tool to give you ample detail by prompting it a little at a time so that it provides you with great results.

Another way you can use AI is to go ahead and write what you know and then prompt AI to fill in the gaps like this, “Below is the chapter I wrote for the introduction about SEO. Please tell me how I can improve upon it or rewrite it for me with improvements.”

Sometimes, it will simply give you instructions about how and where to improve it, and other times it will give you the rewrite automatically. At the very least, you want to make sure that if you use AI to write your lead magnet reports and eBooks for you, that you go back through and add your own personalization to it.

If you aren’t good at writing, you can give AI some sort of personalization or story that you want it to include and ask it to include it somewhere in that chapter and it will do the work for you in a professional manner.

#2 – Engage Your Subscribers with Drip-Fed Email Lead Magnets Created By AI

The promise of email updates is usually not enough to entice people to sign up. But if you have a specific course that gets drip fed to the subscriber about a specific topic, that’s something that’ll find value in.

For this idea, you can use AI to come up with topics that would make good email courses, have it outline it for you and even write the emails on your behalf if you want it to!

You can refer back to the original list that you had AI create for lead magnet eBook and report topics, or you can have it generate a new list specifically for the email course ideas separately.

Email courses give you the opportunity to stay in touch with your new subscriber and get them used to hearing from you on a regular basis. Another benefit to using this method is that the new subscriber can’t simply download the freebie and unsubscribe immediately – they have to stay on your list in order to get the full value.

The first thing you want to do is decide how long you want your email course to go on for. For example, it may be for one or two weeks, or even an entire month. Then, you can prompt AI like this: “I want to create a 7-day email course that I can drip out to my new subscribers with one lesson at a time. My subscribers are interested in learning Internet marketing topics from a newbie perspective. Give me a list of topic ideas that would be good for a 7 day course sent via email.”

It will return a list of approximately 50 options for you to choose from, with a wide variety of niche topics. Next, you will prompt the AI tool to outline the seven-day email course for you by saying: “I like the idea of Social Media Marketing for Beginners. Give me a seven day outline for that emailed course.”

Again, you want to make sure that you go through the outline that it has provided and see if you agree with what is being covered. You may want to delete or include certain things, and you can redirect your AI tool at that time.

Be sure to go through each day’s lessons to see what is being covered, not just the main topics of the day. You want to make sure that each email is packed with value so that your subscriber stays on your list in anticipation of the next day’s lesson.

If AI gives you an outline that looks like the section below, you can always ask it to expand or drill down on a certain bulletpoint so that you can see what all would go in that particular section.

Day 5: Growing Your Social Media Audience:

  • Strategies to attract and gain followers on social media
  • Engaging with your audience through comments and messages
  • Collaborating with influencers and industry partners for exposure

So in this case, we might ask AI, “On day 5, give me an outline for the first bullet point.” It will then provide you with a complete outline of that one bulletpoint. This is very helpful for you, whether you need it as a guide for what you plan to write – or to see what AI has planned to include so that you can edit it as you see fit.

Once you have everything in place, you can prompt AI like this: “Write the first day email for my subscribers, and I want you to use a motivational and enthusiastic tone but still remain professional.”

All you have to do then is go through the email to make sure it says everything you want it to say, add any personalization you wish to add, and enter your name and signature before queuing it up for your new subscribers.

#3 – Graphics-Based Lead Magnets AI Can Brainstorm to Help Build Your List

Some people don’t realize that graphics serve as a wonderful lead magnet to people who prefer to have information distilled down into easy to understand visuals that don’t take a lot of time to grasp.

AI can help you come up with the majority of the work for graphic based lead magnets. There are some AI tools that can do graphics, but we’re going to work strictly with text based AI technology for the purposes of this report.

There are different types of graphics you can create, but one of the most common ones that is used as a lead magnet is an informative infographic that take a lot of information, or complex details and puts it in a visual format for your new subscribers.

However, if you wanted to create some sort of mind map or table or chart for your target audience, AI can create that for you as well. The first thing you need to do is ask AI for some ideas for your niche that would be good to be used in whatever type of graphic you want to use, such as an infographic, table, chart, or mind map.

We will prompt AI like this: “I have an audience of newbies in the Internet marketing niche, and I want to create an infographic, comparison chart, table, and mind map for them. Give me a list of topics that would be good for each one of these. Do not outline it yet, just give me the idea for the topic.”

It will give you a list of five ideas for each of those options. For example, for the infographic it will give you an idea such as: The Anatomy Of A High Converting Landing Page.

For the comparison chart, it will give you an idea such as: Email Marketing Platforms: A Feature Comparison. for the table, it will give you an idea like: website builders: features and pricing comparison. And for the mind map, it will give you ideas like: Strategies For Generating Website Traffic: Exploring Different Avenues.

You also have the option of giving AI the topic that you want, and simply bypassing the brainstorming process for the topic at all. Instead, you can jump to the outlining process for the content.

Using these particular AI tools, you’re just going to get the information that you can then plug into a graphic design tool like a mind map tool or Canva to create the graphic using a template or original design of your choice.

You can prompt AI to give you the information like this: “I like the infographic idea of The Anatomy of a High-Converting Landing Page. Tell me what to put on the infographic, in what order, and give me the exact text and icons that need to go on each section.”

They will come back with information such as the text and the icon. You can do this for each of the ideas it gives you for an infographic and bundle it up as a lead magnet offer. Or, you can move on to the comparison charts, tables, and mind maps and have AI give you the outline for those as well.

Be sure to prompt it for the visuals needed to create the piece of content, such as the icons, color palettes, and anything else you want to use to catch the attention of your prospective subscriber.

For something like a mind map, you can prompt AI by saying this: “I like the idea of a mind map showing the strategies for generating website traffic. Please tell me how that would appear in a mind map, including the various branches, icons, text, and sub branches.”

It will show you the hierarchy of how the information should appear within the mind map, and you can then plug it into your favorite tool. Here is one of the sub branches that is outlined for you, and from there it would include other sub branches such as paid traffic, social media traffic, referral traffic, and so on.

Sub-Branch – Organic Traffic

Icon: Tree or Organic Symbol

Text: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

  • Sub-Branches: Keyword Research, On-Page Optimization, Link Building

Text: Content Marketing

  • Sub-Branches: Blogging, Guest Posting, Infographics

Once it is complete, and you’ve gone over the information to ensure that it’s exactly what you want to share, you can either take the information and build the graphic yourself or hand it over to a professional freelancer on a site like Fiverr and ask them to create something based off of your text.

#4 – Subscribers Will Eagerly Sign Up for Helpful AI-Generated Templates

Readymade templates are something that can be useful for your prospective subscribers, so they are often more than willing to hand over their contact details in exchange for the downloads.

Templates are something that people pay money for on sites like Etsy and Shopify. So if they can get something of use from you at no cost other than their name and e-mail address, chances are they’ll be happy to sign up for it.

AI can help you brainstorm some template ideas for your niche topic. You just have to prompt it like this: “I want to create some templates for my subscribers to download. They are newbies in the Internet marketing niche. Give me some ideas for the types of templates are topics that I can create for them.”

Your AI tool will come back with ideas for you to choose from. It will come back with ideas for email marketing campaign templates, blog post outline templates, social media design templates, buyer persona templates content promo checklist templates, and more.

Under each one it will give you a brief description of what the template will be about. For example, on the social media post design template, it will tell you that it is a ready to use template for creating visually appealing social media posts using popular graphic design tools.

When you find something you want, simply prompt AI like this: “I like the idea of the blog post outline template. Write this template for me.” Go through the results and make sure that it looks exactly as you want it to, and then you can take it to a tool that will help you create a professional design for your template.

You can either have one template, or you can have AI create one for each topic it provided you with. Then you can bundle it up and use the entire bundle as a lead magnet offer.

#5 – Video Lead Magnets Are a Breeze for AI to Come Up With

For your prospective subscribers who prefer video over text, you can use AI to help you brainstorm a video lead magnet that will convert visitors into subscribers. This is a great way to leverage AI for multimedia content creation.

If you don’t have any ideas to work from, you can simply prompt AI to give you ideas for a video lead magnet and make sure you tell it who your audience and demographic is. For example, you can say something like, “I want to create a video lesson for my new subscribers who are all Internet marketing newbies. What are some good ideas for a video that will be packed with value for them?”

AI will give you approximately 12 different video lesson ideas to work from in the beginning. If you don’t like any of them, you can also ask it to give you new ideas. But once you find one you like, based on the title and explanation, you can prompt AI to create a video script and storyboard for you to use in a slide show that you can screen capture record for your lead magnet video offer.

We will prompt AI like this: “I like the video idea of teaching affiliate marketing for beginners. Create an outline for me to use in a slideshow presentation where you tell me the title of each slide, the image I should put on it, and whatever I should narrate to that audience.”

Your AI tool is then going to come back with a complete outline for your video presentation, which you can then turn into a lead magnet for your audience. All you need is a screen capture tool like CamStudio or Camtasia and slideshow templates that you get using PowerPoint or Canva.

You can fill in the information straight from your AI tool into your presentation and record it before uploading it as a lead magnet to help build your list. The information will look like this:

Slide 7: Building Trust and Authenticity

Title: Establishing Trust with Your Audience

Image: Handshake or trust symbol

Narration: “Trust is crucial in affiliate marketing. Build trust by being transparent, honest, and authentic in your recommendations. Share your personal experiences, provide genuine product reviews, and only promote products you believe in. Your audience’s trust is invaluable for long-term success.”

You can also ask your AI to expand on the detail that is provided in the narration. But for a simple lead magnet that they are not paying for, you have to make sure you balance your time and effort while still ensuring they receive value on their end.

One thing some marketers do when using AI for video lead magnet creations is they instruct AI to turn the topic into a masterclass. When you do this, AI automatically drills down into the topic in more detail without you having to prompt it every step of the way.

#6 – AI Can Help Create Webinar Lead Magnets For Visitors Who Love Events

Webinars used to be reserved for top marketing experts who had the deep pockets to set it up and attract a large audience. But this is a technology that has become widely available to everyone, and your prospective subscribers are going to love it.

One thing they love about webinars is that an audience is invited to attend virtually and participate in an exchange with the host or cohosts where they can ask questions and have a discussion rather than just be sold to.

You can host a webinar by yourself or with another influencer in your niche and attract an audience before recording it. You want to make sure that if your purpose is to use the webinar as a lead magnet, that you are packing in value and tips, not just selling a product to your audience.

AI can help you with your webinar creations. You can prompt AI to come up with ideas for your webinars like this: “Give me some ideas for the Internet marketing niche for webinar topics my list of newbies will appreciate.”

AI will give you some webinar topic ideas, such as Building An Effective Sales Funnel: From Lead Generation to Conversion. Then, you can ask it for a complete outline for your webinar so that you have talking points and no how the information should unfold for your attendees or viewers.

Simply say: “I like the idea of a webinar called Building An Effective Sales Funnel: From Lead Generation to Conversion. Outline that for me in the logical order of what I should talk about and give me some talking points for each step.”

Not only does it give you the initial introduction and welcome message notations, but it tells you what to talk about in order of importance so that it logically unfolds. It even includes a section for opening the floor for a Q&A session and then wrapping up with key points and a call to action in the end.

If you plan on recording a webinar without audience interaction, you can even have AI write an entire script for your webinar. However, sometimes it’s better to just have talking points so that your narration is more casual and comfortable, rather than a stiff reading of a script.

One thing you can also include with the webinar recording as a lead magnet is a sheet that covers the important takeaways of the presentation so that they can see at a glance what they needed to learn from it.

In fact, you can ask AI to tell you what elements you can include in your download. Or, if you need help with any sort of visual aids during your webinar presentation, you can ask AI what would make sense in your topic, and where to include it before having it create or design them for you.


#7 – Get Visitors Signed Up to Your List Using AI-Crafted Assessments

If you’ve ever gone on Facebook or different social media platforms, you’ve likely seen people sharing various assessments they’ve done, which can come in the form of quizzes or other formats.

People love to discover more about themselves, and having prompts to do it with makes it easy for them to gain direction. You can have AI come up with these quizzes and assessments for you, which you can then turn into a digital or printable format for your new subscriber to download.

All you have to do is ask AI the following: “Can you give me a list of ideas for quizzes and assessments I can send out to my audience of Internet marketing newbies that will help them with their journey?”

AI will then deliver approximately 15 options for you, and with each assessment or quiz topic, it will give you a brief description of how it will help them. For example, it tells you that a content strategy quiz will test their knowledge of content planning, creation and distribution strategies so that they can optimize their content marketing efforts.

At that point, you simply have to ask AI to create the quiz or assessment for you. You can prompt it like this: “I like the idea of a content strategy quiz. I want you to write the quiz and the multiple choice answers for me.”


Your AI tool will then come up with a list of approximately 8 questions and multiple choice answers, with an answer key at the very bottom. When you send this out as a lead magnet, you can also include some sort of text that explains a little bit more about each question after they have taken the quiz or assessment that gives them some added guidance.

#8 – Niche-Specific Case Studies Brainstormed By AI Are Irresistible Lead Magnets

Case studies are typically something that you have created yourself based on your own experiences. However, you can also have AI help you come up with a good case study topic, along with all of the steps needed to implement it and share your results as a lead magnet.

Many subscribers love to sign up to a list that promises a case study because it gives them an over the shoulder look of what it takes to succeed with a certain goal, and it’s different from a course because the creator usually gives information about the experience as a whole, including setbacks and the obstacles they overcame and the process.

If you need a case study for a lead magnet, you can ask AI: “Can you give me a list of topic ideas that would make a good case study for my target audience of Internet marketing newbies?”

Now you can prompt AI to give you the instructions for carrying out the process that you’ll turn into a case study with results. Simply say, “I like the of creating a case study based on a Remarketing Campaign. Tell me what to do step-by-step for this case study, and what I need to report to the audience as I go or when it’s complete.”

Your AI tool will give you all of the steps needed, such as creating a remarketing ad. It will then give you details of what you need to do for each step. For the remarketing ad, you would need to detail the process of creating the ads including the design, messaging, and call to action elements.

It also says you should highlight any specific techniques or strategies used to maximize ad effectiveness and engagement. In the results of the prompt, it tells you to include screenshots, charts, and visuals that will support the data and findings in the end as well as additional explanations and insight so that your audience will understand it better.

If you don’t understand any of the directions, you can simply ask it for more information or to explain in more detail what it is you need help with, and it will provide you with the steps or information you’re looking for.

#9 – AI Can Whip Up Value-Packed White Papers Your Subscribers Will Love

If you think your list would love a piece of content that is packed with research and information that will educate and inform them, you may want to consider having AI help you create a white paper.

With a white paper slant, you’re taking a topic that needs to be evaluated and discussing the issue from a research point of view before presenting some sort of solution to the problem.

So for our purposes, we can ask AI the following: “Can you help me come up with ideas for a white paper that I can use for my audience that consists of newbies in the Internet marketing niche?”

You’ll receive a list of ideas that you can then choose from, but if you don’t see anything you like, you can always ask AI for more ideas until it gives you something that you are satisfied with.

For each idea it gives you, it will include a snippet of information about the white paper and what should be included like this: The Role of Data Analytics in Internet Marketing: An overview of the importance of data analytics in Internet marketing, including tracking and measuring key metrics, interpreting data, and using insights to optimize marketing strategies.

This is one of those times when you may want to go back and forth between Google Bard and ChatGPT. The latter seems to be better with writing content, but Google Bard has more up-to-date information, so if you are pulling any kind of data in statistics into your white paper, that would be an AI tool that could prove more helpful.

All you would have to do is take the information Google Bard gave you and plug it back into the ChatGPT system and tell it to use that information for the white paper content if it needs to.

To begin, prompt AI by saying: “I want you to create a lengthy white paper called The Role of Data Analytics in Internet Marketing. In it, I want you to present a problem that data analytics will solve and include research proving that analytics can serve as a solution. Give my readers actionable tips at the end that they can apply.”

At first, AI will give you the title and the abstract summary along with the table of contents or outline for you to consider. Go through and make sure it covers everything that you need it to cover before you begin prompting it to write each step of the white paper for you, unless you decide to do it yourself.


#10 – Resource Lists That Are Popular with Consumers Are a Cinch to Create with AI

When you’re trying to succeed with a goal, like making money, losing weight or something else, having a list of good resources at your fingertips is fantastic. In the old days, these were called a “Rolodex” of resources.

But now, they’re just resource lists, and AI can help you compile them as a free opt in gift for your prospective subscribers to enjoy. The key is to put together a resource list that will be enticing, and the best way to do that is to focus on the needs of the subscriber.

We can prompt AI like this: “I want to put together a list of resources for my Internet marketing newbie subscribers. What are some specific topics I can focus on for resource lists, such as a list of tools and sites to help with keyword research? Things like that. Give me options and ideas.”

The AI tool not only gave us a list of variety topics, including keyword research tools and sites, content creation and research tools, social media management tools, e-mail marketing platforms, SEO tools, website analytics and tracking tools, social media analytics tools, and conversion rate optimization tools – but for each one, it gave us a list of the tools or platforms that we should include.

At this time, what you want to do is go through the resource list and add or subtract any resources that you want to before the list is finalized. Then, you can either use ChatGPT or Google Bard to create the resource list that not only includes the name of a tool or platform, but also a brief synopsis of what it does and how to use it so that it benefits them in their goals.

You can make your resource list as long or as short as you want to. For example, if it gives you ten resources, you can always ask it to give you a total of 100 or 25 – whatever number you feel will provide a good mix of solid recommendations for your new subscriber.