Product Launch Steps for Seniors

 Product Launch Steps for Seniors

Many senior men and women are currently enjoying their retirement years, but for many reasons want (or need) to add an additional income stream to their retirement or Social Security earnings.

Whether you want to pursue an online career for monetary reasons or just because you want to stay active and engaged, the sale of private label rights may be the perfect business model to support you.

Private label rights (PLR) is content that is created by one person and sold to multiple buyers to use as their own. You’ve probably heard of freelance ghostwriters before, where one person hires another to create content just for them.

PLR is similar to that, but more than one person will own the content to use on their sites and elsewhere. Therefore, it is priced more affordably to this target audience. You will make up for the price discrepancy in the volume of sales that come in over a period of days, weeks, months and even years.

Below, you will see a 10-step process to help you begin profiting from the sale of PLR – including three steps you can take to add on even more earnings from the original work you do for each product launch.

Step 1: Set Up a PLR Domain to Sell From

Because you are going to be making money selling a product, you need to be able to create sales pages and embed a buy button. You want to get a domain that has one of the best PLR keywords in it.

For example, you can use the acronym PLR, the words private label rights, or you can call it white label content. If you are going to specialize in a certain niche topic, such as marketing, you would want to have that keyword phrase in the domain as well.

For example, you might call it or You could do the same with any niche such as gardening, health, survival, and other niche topics. However, it’s usually better to leave the niche topic open ended so that you have the ability to sell in many different markets.

You first want to register a domain name and secure hosting that can support your sales letters and house your files. You don’t need an expensive hosting account because you won’t be taking up a lot of space in the beginning.

If you ever need to upgrade for more space, you can always do that at a later date. You need a way to create your sales letters. There are many different page builders on the market including many things that will work perfectly with a WordPress installation.

Make sure you don’t get anything outside of your budget or too difficult for you to use. If you only plan on launching PLR, then you won’t need to build a store. However, you may want to do that at a later date so that visitors can land on your site and purchase all of your previous PLR packs.

In that case, you would want to be using a tool such as aMember that has a built-in affiliate program. This way, you can bypass third party platforms (and their fees) and have affiliates promoting directly for you.

Step 2: Research and Select a Topic for Your Launch

Choosing a topic for a PLR launch is something you have to approach strategically. You don’t want to pull a topic out of thin air because your goal is for it to sell well with consumers.

Of course, you always want to make sure that you either know the topic well or you feel comfortable researching it so that you can create content about it. It’s okay to be unfamiliar with a topic as long as you’re capable of learning and sharing information.

Look at previous launches in the various marketplaces and on vendor sites to see what niches and slants they are creating content for. On some platforms, you can see exactly how many copies were sold when you look at the offer as an affiliate would.

You’ll be able to see what the conversion rate was as well as the number of sales that came in – and even see what the price point was and how the entire funnel unfolded for them.

Choose from top niche topics, too. There are some universal niches in the world that are always good sellers for information. These include things like health or weight loss, relationships, making money, stress relief, homesteading, pet care and more.

Select something that has a lot of digital and tangible product promotion opportunity. Many of the marketers who will be purchasing your content will be using it to either create info products of their own or to promote products that other people have created.

Pay attention to trends and news. This can help you primarily in selecting and drilling down a niche topic for your PLR content. For example, if the supply chain disruption is in the news, that might be a good time to create a survival proper PLR package about this issue and how to resolve it so that you are not left in a lurch.

You can also watch for things like trends such as new diets that are getting a lot of buzz and create a private label rights package that explains what it is and how to excel at it. This information can be on news sites, on the covers of magazines, on social media, and elsewhere.

Step 3: Outline Your PLR Funnel for Maximum Profits

The third step in your PLR launch process is for you to outline a funnel that will help you earn the most from your product launch. In order for you to maximize your profits, you have to bring affiliates onboard to promote for you.

Affiliates are very selective about what they emailed their list about. While some focus on both quality or relevancy and the commissions they will learn, others only care about the money they stand to make.

Therefore, you have to have a funnel in place so that there are multiple opportunities for your affiliates to earn from their promotion of your launch. You will probably have a hesitation to do a lot of work for your initial launch.

This is a normal reaction because you want to make sure that your products will sell before you invest a lot of time and effort into something. However, you never want to take shortcuts because then your launch is being set up to fail.

For example, there are some people who try to buy resell products that they can stick on their back end of the funnel as upsells. This is a bad idea because your customers and the affiliates are looking for unique, fresh content to promote and purchase.

Chances are, they have already bought the other private label rights and even if you rename it as something new, they will be annoyed that the content is not new and original.

For your first launch, try to create an article pack or bundle of reports or any book on a niche topic that is at least 35 pages of 400 words minimum each. This is the bare minimum you should do if you want to price your package at $17.00.

Your upgrades (of which you should have at least one, but not more than two or three) can be a mixture of different things. If you are on your first launch, it’s a good idea to create a first upsell of additional content.

This can be more articles, reports, email autoresponders, product reviews, eBooks, and other content. Or, you could take the front end and repurpose it into different multimedia formats such as audio books or video modules.

Your second upgrade could be even more content – or it could be a service such as rewriting and/or posting the content to their blog for them. Some people want to have everything done for them, and you can even hire a virtual assistant to do this task for you.

As you embark on additional launches for your PLR, your upgrades don’t always have to be brand new content that you create. You might create a large bundle have your previous launches and discount it significantly as your upgrade offer.

It’s important to let the buyer know that this is existing content and that it is not brand new. The reason for this is because many will download the content, assuming it is new, only to discover there are duplicates of it already published online.

Make sure, when you are pricing each element of your funnel, that it is always increasing in price. You can start with a front end of $17, a first upgrade of $27 and a second upgrade of $37 and up.

Keep in mind that affiliates are looking to make money with your launch period if you price things too low, such as a $9 front end product with 50% commission, they are not likely to promote for you.