The Basics of Affiliate Marketing

The Basics of Affiliate Marketing

Before we get into the most common terminology used in affiliate marketing, we want to provide you with a comprehensive overview of what affiliate marketing is all about. If you already know this then you can skip this section and move on to the next.

It’s easy to get started

One of the main reasons why affiliate marketing is so popular is because it is very easy for anyone to get started. You do not need any experience to become an affiliate marketer and you can get started for next to nothing.

You don’t even need your own website but we strongly recommend that you invest in this. It will only cost around $10 a year for a domain name and you will need a web hosting account as well. Web hosting will cost you between $5 and $15 a month and you need this to make your website live on the Internet.

A lot of people do not want their own website because they think it is too difficult to create one. This is not the case as you can use the free WordPress blogging platform, and choose a free theme to use for the look and feel of your site. It is very easy to add new content to your website using the WordPress platform.

Once you have set everything up you can start to make affiliate commissions in a very short time. There are plenty of resources online such as YouTube videos that will show you how to start a profitable affiliate marketing campaign.

You could decide to just promote your affiliate offers on social media platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, and others. If you just do this then you do not need a website. The problem is that a social platform can take your content down for any reason and then you have nothing.

The Process of Affiliate Marketing

There are 3 players in an affiliate marketing transaction:

  1. The product or service vendor (the person or company that owns the products)
  2. The affiliate marketer (which is you) who promotes the products or services for an agreed commission
  3. The end customer that purchases the product or service

The product or service vendor takes care of the following:

  • Product or service creation
  • A compelling sales funnel to sell the product or service
  • All customer service support
  • The provision of unique affiliate links
  • The provision of marketing tools for affiliates
  • Paying affiliate commissions on time

Your job as an affiliate is to find the customers for the product or service. You will drive visitor traffic to the offers you promote using unique affiliate links. The affiliate links are unique to you and will associate you with any sales made so that you can earn your commissions.

The customer is the individual or business that purchases the product or service. If they have any support issues they will deal directly with the vendor. They will probably not even know that they have purchased a product or service using an affiliate link.

Affiliate Marketing Training

There are plenty of training courses around about how to be a successful affiliate. Some of these are free and you usually have to pay for the best ones. If you are serious about being successful with affiliate marketing then be prepared to invest in training courses that will help you.

You want to purchase an affiliate marketing training course from someone who has a good track record and sound reputation in the industry. A good example of someone with an excellent track record and reputation is John Crestani. He makes thousands of dollars every month as an affiliate.

John Crestani has a very popular course called the Super Affiliate System. This is a 6-week training program where you will learn everything that you need to know to be a successful affiliate. The Super Affiliate System will provide you with the following benefits:

  • Step by step affiliate marketing success
  • Choosing the right niche
  • The best affiliate networks
  • Finding the best offers to promote
  • Affiliate marketing mistakes to avoid
  • Websites and sales funnels
  • Effective methods to generate targeted visitor traffic (search engines, YouTube, solo ads, social media, and more)
  • Ad campaigns that convert
  • Million-dollar swipe file where John gives you his previously successful affiliate campaigns
  • Done for you funnel pages
  • A one-to-one call with John Crestani
  • Access to the secret community that will help and support you

And a whole lot more…

There is nothing that John Crestani doesn’t know about running successful affiliate marketing campaigns. The Super Affiliate System has hundreds of testimonials from satisfied customers and is the best affiliate marketing training around.